What’s the best form of self defence for real life situations?

Even in relatively quiet areas of the UK, such as the Cotswolds, there is the occasional random act of violence, such as that earlier this week in Cheltenham where a young woman was sadly stabbed.

Learning self defence will never make you invulnerable, it will not give you super powers as you will always be mortal, but if you would like to improve your chances in any such situation than studying self defence will do that for you.

It’s also important to remember that the UK has more CCTV cameras per person than almost any other country. Add to this that everyone has a smart phone and so, more likely than not, any fight will be caught on camera. You may well, therefore, have 2 fights on your hands: One, there and then to save your skin and potentially another one in court if you act inappropriately. Self defence should preferably start with ‘defence.’

What’s the best form of self defence?

There are numerous martial arts that advertise their efficacy at self defence, though not all will be available to you locally. When considering which martial art to learn for self defence, it’s important to think about which is right for you and your abilities.

Why martial arts are great for improving self defence…

  • Building confidence: Aggressors, like playgound bullies, typically pick on people they consider weak, vulnerable and unlikely to fight back. Being able to stand up to an aggressor with confidence is the vital first stage as often they will seek easier pickings elsewhere. Studying self defence will build your confidence.
  • Overcoming stronger opponents: Because aggressors are mostly likely to be bigger, stronger or more numerous than you it is important that your self defence martial art is capable of overcoming stronger, or more numerous opponents.
  • Fitness and agility: All martial arts will generally improve your fitness and agility which will improve your confidence, and help you in a self defence situation.

Considerations when choosing a martial art for self defence

  • Do you want to learn kicks and punches, or locks and throws, or all of them?

Many martial arts either specialise in kicks and punches, like boxing and Tae Kwondo, or locks and throws like Judo and Aikido. In self-defence it is important to know both so you can exploit any weaknesses in your attacker’s ability. Ninjutsu is what is known as a “complete system” as it covers all these elements, and more.

  • Will this martial art teach me versatility?

Can your chosen martial art be used anywhere in any situation: on uneven or slippery ground, in a confined space, while carrying a rucksack, in the dark or bad light, or any other less than ideal scenario that you might find yourself in? If not, then consider Ninjustu, as it was in these environments that the Ninja warriors perfected their art.

  • Will it teach me how to avoid injury?

The one element of the martial art training you are actually most likely to ever need is the Breakfall or Roll. These are not just to protect you from injury when training, but also in everyday life should you trip up, or slip over. These are the first things your learn when studying Ninjutsu.

Nijutsu as a form of self-defence

As a self defence martial art, Ninjutsu addresses all the above points and more, including how to control your fear.

Ninjutsu is based on natural body movement. Students learn how to use their body to its maximum potential and at the same time learn the body’s vulnerabilities so that they can be exploited in order to overcome an attacker, or attackers.

There are 5 basic elements to Ninjutsu:

  • Breakfalls and rolling – to avoid injury
  • Punches and kicks – as well as many other “body weapons”
  • Joint locks – to control the attacker and take his balance
  • Throws – using the attacker’s movement against them
  • Vulnerable body targets – to maximise the effectiveness of the above techniques

As well as more advanced areas of study:

  • The use of, and defence against, a range of different weapons
  • Emotion control
  • Understanding how to use the surrounding environment to your advantage
  • Strategy

Can I study Ninjutsu self defence in Cirencester?

Yes. If you’re interested in learning more, get in touch with us today to find out about our Ninjutsu class in Cirencester, the capital of the Cotswolds.

We train in an informal and enjoyable environment – Adults only.