Self defence for women

Is Ninjutsu good self defence for women?

Ninjutsu within the Bujinkan is a system of self defence that is the based on 9 schools of martial arts. The oldest of which is the Gyokko Ryu. Many of the other schools are based on the Gyokko Ryu. The Gyokko Ryu is said to have been founded by a princess, or a small courtier, in order to overcome larger, stronger, or more numerous opponents. It is, therefore, ideally suited as a self defence martial art for women, or indeed anyone.

Ninjutsu achieves this by:

  • Relaxed, natural body movement
  • A knowledge of anatomy and an understanding of Biomechanics so that you learn how to use your body to its maximum potential and, at the same time, how to minimise an aggressor’s ability to use theirs
  • An understanding of Dynamics so that you can use an aggressor’s movement against them
  • A knowledge of the most effective points to target on an aggressor’s body in order to achieve the maximum effect
  • Strategy and tactics to overpower the aggressor without using strength
  • Emotion control, including how to control your fear

Ninjutsu is a “complete system”. It is “complete” in that it includes joint locks, throws, punches and kicks, and a knowledge of vulnerable and painful areas on the body to target. Many martial arts concenrate on one, or other, of these, leaving the practicioner vulnerable to the systems not covered.

Many people want a self defence martial art that doesn’t require them to punch first in case this escalates a situation that might not otherwise have become violent. Ninjutsu fullfills this requirement as it is, above all else, a defensive martial art. The techniques practiced invariably start with an aggressor initiating an attack of some form, whether that is a punch, kick, grab, throw or a weapon. Consequently, training builds confidence in situations when perhaps you might otherwise have been frightened. Confidence, in itself, is the best initial response to potential conflict as bullies pick on the weak and vulnerable. Confidence shows that you are neither, which may well be enough to de-escalate the situation.

Can I study Ninjutsu self defence in Cirencester?

Yes, if you are interested in learning more, get in touch with us today to find out about our Ninjutsu class in Cirencester, the Capital of the Cotswolds.

We train in an informal and enjoyable enviroment – Adults only Self defence for women