two men practicing bujinkan ninjitsu

What is Bujinkan Ninjutsu?

Here at the Bujinkan Cotswold Dojo we study Bujinkan martial arts. But what are Bujinkan martial arts and how do they differ from Nijitsu?

Bujinkan Martial Arts

What is Bujinkan?

The Bujinkan (Japanese: 武神館) is an international martial arts organization based in Japan and headed by Masaaki Hatsumi. 

Is Bujinkan Ninjutsu?

In the Bujinkan, 9 different schools of Budo are studied. Budo is the general term for the warrior
arts. Of these 9 schools 3 are Ninpo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu). All the schools start with unarmed combat
(Budo Taijutsu) as it is the foundation on which all other aspects of Budo are based.

The Ninja were special forces employed to carry out espionage, reconnaissance and special
operations. Consequently, Ninjutsu has an emphasis on escape and concealment. These are studied within the Bujinkan along with the other warrior arts.

Why study Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu?

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a defensive martial art. Within the written scrolls of each of the schools,
there are hundreds of techniques that have been distilled from the battlefield experiences of
warriors over hundreds of years.

Without exception, they all start with defence against an attack. The foundation of the techniques is good body movement, which is combined with numerous other pearls of wisdom in order to create an advantage over stronger or more numerous opponents. It’s hardto find a better form of self-defence or better form of exercise.

Where can I study Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu?

If you’re based in the Cotswolds, you can study Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (often referred to in the West as ninjutsu) right here at Bujinkan Cotswold Dojo. Find out more.